


第1篇: 理解当代中国演讲稿英语

With the continuous deepening of economic globalization, China"s connection with the world is becoming increasingly close. I believe that the influence of the Chinese team in the world is increasing.

China"s purchasing power affects the world. With the deepening development of economic globalization and the reform and opening up, Chinese people have gradually moved away from the era of material scarcity that required food stamps to purchase. People"s living standards have continuously improved, and their purchasing power has also increased. The news of Chinese tourists going abroad for shopping is often reported. In France, Chinese tourists rush to shop at a famous department store, in South Korea, Chinese tourists rush to buy skincare products at skincare stores, and in Japan, Chinese tourists rush to buy appliances... Such reports are common, and almost every country can see the presence of Chinese people. China"s purchasing power continues to increase, thereby driving the overall development of the world economy. Therefore, China"s purchasing power continues to influence the world.

In addition to the purchasing power of the Chinese people influencing the world, Chinese culture is also influencing the world.

With the continuous improvement of China"s international status, Chinese culture continues to go abroad and influence the world. In recent years, the popularity of Chinese characters and poetry has swept across multiple countries, and Confucius" ideas of benevolence and propriety have spread overseas. Chinese primary school students who recite the Three Character Sutra are initially good and have been vigorously promoted abroad. Even the only daughter of US President Trump, who is five years old, also recites the Three Character Sutra in Chinese with excellent application. In addition, China"s tea culture and kung fu culture have also gone abroad and become popular with overseas people. It can be seen that China"s cultural soft power is constantly strengthening, and the culture with Chinese characteristics is constantly influencing the world, influencing the ideological concepts and even the way of life of overseas people. Therefore, it can be said that Chinese culture constantly and profoundly influences the cultures of the rest of the world.

In addition to influencing the world in the economic and cultural fields, China is also influencing the world in various fields. How to consolidate and develop China"s influence over foreign countries is a question worth pondering. I believe that at the national level, individuals should participate in the defense of influence.

From a national perspective, the country should implement active foreign policies to promote Chinese culture to every corner of the world. The country can also use new forms of communication to spread culture. From a personal perspective, every move an individual makes when traveling abroad can affect the image of a country, as stated in a CCTV advertisement: "China is what you are like.". So, individuals should pay attention to their behavior and behavior, spread Chinese culture in the right way, and unleash their purchasing power. This way, we won"t make others underestimate us.

Let"s continuously improve our comprehensive national strength and see how China affects the world.

第2篇: 理解当代中国演讲稿英语

We must adhere to the comprehensive leadership of the Party as the fundamental guarantee. The report of the 20th CPC National Congress pointed out that Chinese path to modernization is a socialist modernization led by the CPC. We must implement the leadership of the Party in all fields and links of educational activities, and continuously strengthen and improve the Party"s leadership over the education cause. On the one hand, it is necessary to strengthen the Party"s ideological and political leadership over the education industry, always adhere to the guiding position of Marxism, integrate ideological and political work throughout the entire process of school education management, focus on building a "three comprehensive education" system, and promote the ideological and political curriculum to go hand in hand with the ideological and political curriculum. On the other hand, it is necessary to strengthen the Party"s organizational leadership over the education industry. Party committees at all levels should regard strengthening the comprehensive leadership of education work as an important responsibility, and place the development of education in an important position.

Placing innovation at the core of China"s modernization construction is of great strategic and global significance. Only innovation can achieve endogenous driving force, and only by relying on connotative growth can we ensure high-quality development. In the past decade, strategic emerging industries such as manned spaceflight, supercomputer and quantum information have made significant achievements, and China has entered the ranks of innovative countries. Tianhe supercomputing has achieved breakthroughs from billions to billions, and then to billions. Continuously challenging the limits of computing speed has also become a microcosm of China"s technological self-reliance and self-reliance. Through independent innovation and achievement transformation, China has successively established the world"s first thousand kilometer quantum secure communication Beijing-Shanghai trunk line, and launched the world"s first quantum science experimental satellite, Mozi, which has propelled us into the world"s first tier in the field of quantum.

Always adhere to deepening the reform of the talent development system and mechanism. To establish a scientific and market-oriented talent evaluation and incentive system, and to leverage the active role of employers in talent cultivation, introduction, and use; To fully leverage the dual incentive effects of economic interests and social honor values, so that talents can have benefits, honor, and status in innovation and creation; We need to create an atmosphere of respect for talents, openness and inclusiveness, create a fairer and broader platform for work and entrepreneurship, and fully respect and realize the value of talents themselves.

The magnificent journey inspires people to move forward, and the blueprint for rejuvenation inspires people"s hearts. Chinese path to modernization is also a modernization with world significance. We will unswervingly follow the path of Chinese path to modernization, secure China"s own future and destiny, strengthen historical self-confidence, enhance historical initiative, work hard and resolutely, and strive for greater victory and glory for the comprehensive promotion of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

第3篇: 理解当代中国演讲稿英语

     Today, my mother and I went to the China Science and Technology Museum near the bird"s nest in Beijing. From afar, the newly built Chinese science and Technology Museum is grand and spectacular.

  We walked in and found that it was a four story building with a main exhibition hall and an attached hall. Among them, the main exhibition hall is divided into four exhibition halls according to the Chinese light, exploration and discovery, science and life, challenge and future theme, which has many exhibits and large area, which is really breathtaking. I often go to the Tianjin Museum of science and technology, in contrast, is simply pale into insignificance by comparison.


理解当代中国演讲稿英语作文 理解当代中国演讲稿英语翻译
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